I am really looking forward to the release of this documentary because i remember growing up and being taught in Secondary School about Darwin's evolution theory. My late dad always told us to learn just to pass the exams but know the truth about creation is in God's word.

After looking up the twitter responds to the movie trailer, i was shocked that people could actually believe the "Theory of Evolution", to me that is the worst scientific theory ever perpetuated. It is the greatest excuse for man to deny the existence of an immortal God.
I can not consider the evolution worthy of being controversial despite the various views about it. I mean if man with all the wisdom they claim they have can reason that they are from apes, then i gues
God Uses the Foolish to Confound the Wise
In 2009, Richard Dawkins, a prominent atheist in a CNN interview said: ‘There is no refutation of Darwinian evolution in existence. If a refutation ever were to come about, it would come from a serious scientist, and not an idiot (refering to Ray Comfort)."
Comfort replied; "Well, this idiot took a camera to USC and UCLA and we now have four very serious scientists on-camera, who, when their feet were held to the fire, couldn’t provide a lick of scientific evidence for Darwinian evolution"
Standing for the truth
I went through the rantings against Ray Comfort on twitter concerning his new movie and sincerely i was in shocked how people in their attempt to be wise have become foolish. Some of the comments can be seen below;
Ray comfort and a Neanderthal ... pic.twitter.com/ZnS9qR5umW
— Bec (@beczs) June 6, 2013
Ray Comfort Must Think Lying For Jesus Is Okay: http://t.co/1hV4RuHlQb
— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) May 22, 2013
If Ray Comfort is right about bananas, then applying the same logic to coconuts we get another theist logic failure. pic.twitter.com/xuwSFOnSuPComfort later tweeted this;
— ASH: Heather Hastie (@HeatherHastie) May 14, 2013
Never be discouraged by the humiliation of mockery. Be honored to bear the reproach of Christ and His cross.I was so proud that in this generation we still have people like Ray that are ready to stand up for the true living God despite the hate showered on him.
— Ray Comfort (@RayComfort) July 5, 2013
Watch the trailer below;
To download the full movie, go to http://www.livingwaters.com/
The movie will be released and available in DVD and YouTube on August 17th,2013
Ray Comfort is a Christian Evangelist, Author and Television host. He is married to Sue comfort and they are blessed with three children.
For more information on his ministry visit www.livingwaters.com
Follow on twitter @RayComfort
Be a Blessing, Share!

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