had just finished an exam for prospective church workers but out of
excitement, i left the church premises before i realized that i had
forgotten my laptop.
the time i got back, the doors were already locked. Fortunately, one of
the security men was there to let me in and i found my laptop exactly were i kept it before the exam.
It was empty, i felt my thoughts echoe; Wow! so this is how the church is when no one is around.
This got me thinking, the church is not a geographical location nor a building with a stage and pews, it is me and you.
“You cannot go to church,” Christian philosopherElton Trueblood once said. “You are the church wherever you go.”
1Cor 6:19, the bible clearly states that our body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit i.e, we are the church of God. Its good we have built places to worship Him but
remember that God doesn't live in temples made
by the hands of men (Acts 7:48-51).
Today, we spend more time; cleaning, decorating and expanding the church buildings all over the world but hardly pay attention to building our spiritual lives which is the real church. If Christians spent the same amount of time and energy in reading the bible, praying, fasting and genuinely seeking Gods face as they do taking care of the buildings, there will be a significant difference in the world and more souls will be won for Christ.
These days we spend more time trying to get unbelievers to attend our parishes than actually receiving Jesus into their lives. Our lives is the first point of evangelism. thus we must spend more time building our most holy faith. Christ is the head of the church not denominations, lets stop competing with one another for fan base or parish growth.
I learnt during the believers class that "I am saved to serve". You are the church. just like the chairs keeps you comfortable, the altar keeps the preacher visible for church members to see, so should you a Christian witness for Christ, that is our service to humanity.
However, our temples must be clean for Him to remain. Before,a Sunday service, the church building is thoroughly cleaned and arranged, thus, we must be regular purged by the blood of the lamb in order for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.
Statistical research shows that less than 10% of professing Christians have ever read the entire Bible.Many Christians do not even read their bibles except Sunday service and fellowships.How then can the church grow when it is filled with illiterates. But you see church building filled up with many people on Sundays, all totally looking forward to the words of a pastor rather than God speaking to them directly.
This aspect of people confusing the church as a place we go to worship rather than who we are, has led to this epidemic. We wait for the church to declare a period of fasting before we fast and even when we decide to fast, its in exchange for a material thing.
sweep the dust out of the seats of our hearts, wash the altar of our
minds and open up the doors of our lives for God to come and dwell in
us, His esteemed temples.

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