When i climbed up the rock, i was really scared, i suddenly realized i was scared of heights. However, the experience gave me a glimpse of how God sees us.
At the top of the rock i could clearly see the whole of the city. It felt surreal to be on top of everything with no care in the world.I wondered who the people that lived in the tiny looking houses were but guess what! God knows and even sees much more thhan i could on the hill top.
The psalmist wrote;
I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord,Who made heaven and earth( Psalm 121:1-2)
We all need to run to God when we are caught up in our little worlds.Look up! you've been looking down for so long,complaining about everything around you. You have now been misplaced in your frustrations which seen unending..
Our father above is always looking down at you, waiting patiently for you to look up to Him for help. We look down at God and believe that we can handle it on our own, thereby replacing God's wisdom with your foolishness.
No matter what you are going through, His hands are stretched towards you but as long as you keep keep looking down; you'll never see His hand waiting to pull you out of the slough of despond.
We are not to trust in our abilities or other people, we are to put our trust in God because His ways are higher than ours.
I pray from today, you will cast all your cares on Him, cause He cares for you.
Photo Credit: images.yourdictionary.com
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ReplyDeleteHello Brethren in the Lord,
May the peace and unity of the holy spirit fall upon you and your entire family as you read this splendid message from the synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN).
Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is still saying something as He is the deliverer, the healer and the same yesterday today and forever. God has used prophet TB Joshua morning water to work miracles and i know yours will not be a different in Jesus name!!!!
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specifying what you need.
E-mail: scoan.onlineservice@gmail.com